Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ruby vs Java Conundrum

The language Ruby and Rails framework were important win swift and rapid development platform of choice for many applications and Web sites 2.0. This fast rise is questions about the capabilities and applicability of Java technologies needed for a particular type of product. Many visionaries and early adopters of Ruby and Rails framework have already sounded the death knell for Java. Impetus iLabs has invested considerable time, effort and technological know-how, is a hard look at Ruby and Java platforms, and to separate the facts from the fiction, an initiative to make users aware, to inform and before the new developments in the Space technology.


Java refers to a set of software products and specifications, which together a system for the development and deployment of cross-platform applications. Java in a variety of computing platforms, from embedded devices and mobile phones at the low-end to enterprise servers and super computers on the high end.

Java has gained enormous popularity since it first appeared. The rapid rise and widespread acceptance can be found in its design and programming functions, in particular in its promise that it write a program once and run it anywhere. With Java, you can often free software and is one of the first programming languages to examine the safety, as part of the design.

Security measures can be implemented with a degree of safety, without a reliable framework for the program execution. Java offers several levels of reliability measures, starting with the Java language.

Java: Pros

* Java programmer of the population is enormous.

* Java open-source community lives. Open-source projects are available in a wide range of problems and spaces fill many different niches. With Java, you can often free software, you still have to pay yourself or for the other languages.

* Java is mature. Java is often the safest choice.

* Java is scalable. We have learned from the experience enough to applications that scale.

* Java offers choice.

* Java technology is mature and offers proven solutions for the enterprise-level issues such as two-phase commit and distributed objects.

Java: Constable

Like any programming language Java is not without drawbacks. A study by Wily in 2003 reported the J2EE performance and availability was generally average to poor. Java was also receive stiff competition with IBM launches support for PHP hearing in February 2005.

* The Java platform is weakening

Successful programming languages seem to be every ten years or so. Bell Labs developed the C programming language in the early 1970s, C + + was developed by AT & T in 1985 and slowly subsumed C because he lets object-oriented programming. Sun released Java in 1996, and it quickly emerged as a popular language for the Internet development. Java has been steadily. Trivial logic dictated through a new programming language, Java now and should soon fall.

* Complexity

Java the complexity increases. With a complex framework massively after another, Java and EJB vendors embraced the most complicated conceivable version of Web Services and XML. EJB provider fundamentally redesigned EJB twice, forcing major migrations to their customers.

* Availability

In a 2003 study, Wily (http://www.wilytech.com/news/releases/031120.html) reported that J2EE performance and availability were generally average to poor.

* Competition

In February 2005, IBM announced consulting support for PHP. Ruby on Rails has a total of 500,000 downloads. Peter Yared, Sun Application Server former CTO predicted that J2EE would lose LAMP (open-source software, consisting of Linux, the Apache Web server, MySQL, and a dynamic languages like Python, Perl or PHP)

Ruby language is

Ruby One reflective, dynamic, object-oriented programming language. It combines inspired syntax of Perl with Smalltalk object-oriented features, and also shares some features with Python, Lisp, Dylan, and CLU. Ruby is a single-pass interpreted language.

Ruby prostate

* Productivity: Ruby and Ruby on Rails have a higher productivity, measured as lines of code per function size and function of time to build.

* Short ramp, well motivated team and experienced team can be productive on RoR platform in less than a week on training

* A long list of industry visionaries support Ruby

o Martin Fowler, chief scientist at ThoughtWorks

o James Duncan Davidson, the inventor of Ant and Tomcat, with rails in a start-up to develop a Web-enabled application that the rich will be the first offering of this company.

o David Geary, key designer for several successful web development frameworks including the JavaServer Faces (JSF) speaks about blogging, and the rails with regularity.

o Richard Monson Haefel, once one of the two people voting for the Java Community Process (JCP), which recently led the Burton Group in a discussion with top US companies about Ruby on Rails as an important new technology. He also has a paper on the use of rails with Oracle.

* Ruby and Ruby on Rails have a higher productivity leads to other benefits such as:

o More productivity leads to fewer developers per project.

o They spend less effort in communications for small projects.

o after less developers per project management reduces the cost per project.

o When you are done faster, you deliver their value for the company before.

Ruby Constable

* As a new language, Ruby may stagnate, the scarce resources could be even harder to find.

* There are not so many Ruby applications in production yet, we have not so much definitive proof of the ultimate scalability of Ruby.

* The Ruby community is not as well established as the Java community, making it harder to find third-party components, frameworks, education and services.

* Ruby is less structured than Java and has less automated features to protect against abuse applications. This flexibility is a strength and a weakness.


Impetus the firm conviction that in the current scenario, Ruby and Java technology platforms will continue to co-exist and different needs. RoR and Ruby platform is much better suited for a particular type of Web applications and Web sites on which application developers can use the database.

Java technology platform has been proven and there are issues such as two-phase commit and distributed objects very well.

In the coming equations of the future may change, Ruby platform has a high chance of overtaking Java platform to platform of choice for all types of construction. Impetus believes that the following factors favouring the likelihood of Ruby to replace Java

* Network ubiquity and increasing bandwidth changes in the dynamics of the land on which the principles of distributed architecture built. Thin-client architectures and layered were necessary for the preservation of network bandwidth and reduce network traffic due to the latency. In a world with fast and fat pipes connecting these facilities no longer hold. This tilts the balance in favor of Ruby and ROR. *

memory and CPU cycles are ridiculously cheap. Performance and scaling up is potentially less of a problem, because you can do more hardware to scale applications without a large cost burden. This again tilts the balance in favor of Ruby & 39;. awilda lina

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